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UK Visas


If they had any human feeling, they would give us the visas straightaway.
-- Juan Gonzalez


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UK Visas
There are various kinds of visas to come to UK. Some visas like visitor(tourist) visas are very easy to get and some visas like Work Permit/Point Based visas for non shortage category are very difficult to get.

Beware of fake agencies provide visas for money, best resource of UK visas is UK Home Office and you local British Commissionerate.

For the latest information visit UK Home Office Website
For visa application forms visit Application Forms
Visitors Visa (INF 2)
You want to visit the UK for no more than six months;
You intend to leave the UK at the end of your visit, and
You have enough money to support yourself and live in the UK without working or needing help from public funds.

Required Documents:
Valid Passport, Travel Documents including return tickets and accommodation, financial proof (Bank statements, pay slips and tax returns).
Fully filled (VAF1 - Visiors). application form and two recent passport-sized (45mm x 35mm) color photographs.
Visa fee, which is non refundable.
Evidence that you intend to leave the UK at the end of your visit (for example, a letter from your employer).

If you are visiting your relatives in UK:
Letter from your relative explaining your relationship with them and the purpose of your visit.
Copies of your relative's passport (all pages).
Your relative's accommodation documents e.g. rental agreement & council tax documents.
Your relative's income details e.g. pay slips, tax papers and bank statements.
For more and most recent information visit visitors visa

Sponsors Visa (INF 3)
Same like Visitors Visa plus some one must sponsor you from UK.

Required Documents:
Valid Passport, Travel Documents including return tickets and accommodation, Financial proof, Sponsorship Undertaking Form (SU07), and sponsors status documents(Visa or Passport copies).
Fully filled (INF 3) application form and two recent passport-sized (45mm x 35mm) color photographs.
Visa fee, which is non refundable.
For more and most recent information visit sponsors visa
Spouse Visa (INF 4)
You are legally married to each other (or) you plan to marry within a reasonable time (usually six months) .
Your husband or wife is present and settled in the UK.
You both intend to live together permanently as husband and wife.
together you can support yourselves and any dependants without help from public funds.
You have adequate accommodation.
Your spouse is not under 18.

Required Documents:
Valid Passport,
Fully filled (INF 4) application form, two recent passport-sized (45mm x 35mm), color photographs
Visa fee, which is non refundable
Your birth certificate, your marriage certificate (if you are married), your spouse’s birth certificate
Recent statements or letters from your spouse’s United Kingdom employer, bank, local authority or building society on support and accommodation that will be available for you in the United Kingdom.
Letters written by you and your spouse which are relevant to your application.
Evidence that your spouse is settled in the United Kingdom in the form of an attested copy of his or her passport or registration certificate.
You spouse financial proof (Bank statements pay slips and Tax returns).
For more information visit souse visa
Adult Students Visa (INF 5)
If you are 16 or 17 years old and want to study a course at National Qualification Framework level 3 or above, you can agree with your approved education provider either to apply as an adult or child. Those studying for an English language qualification at Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) Level A2 or above must apply as an adult student.
For more information see studying in uk.

Required Documents:
From 31st March 2009, all applicants intending to study in the UK will have to apply for their visa under Tier 4 of new Points-Based System. Our Points Based System Tier 4: (General) Student and (Child) Student (INF 29) guidance offers detailed advice.

If your proposed course of study is for less than 6 months, then you should apply for a student visitor visa. Our Visitor (INF 2) guidance has information on requirements for a student visitor visa.

Further information on Tier 4 of the Points Based System is available at Quick guides.
For online visa application visit visa4uk.

Family Members Visa (INF 6)

For Children
your parents live and are settled in the UK legally, with no time limit on their stay, or are being admitted for settlement at the same time
one parent is living and settled in the UK or is being admitted for settlement on the same occasion and has had sole responsibility for your upbringing
your parents can support you without help from public funds;
your parents have adequate accommodation, owned or occupied exclusively by them, where you can live without help from public funds
under 18 years of age
are not leading an independent life, are not married and have not formed an independent family unit.

For parents
you are wholly or mainly financially dependent on children or grandchildren living and settled in the UK
you are without other close relatives in your own country to turn to
your children or grandchildren can support you without help from public funds
your children or grandchildren have adequate accommodation, owned or occupied exclusively by them, where you can live without help from public funds.

Required Documents:
Your valid passport or travel document.
Fully filled (VAF 4) application form, two recent passport-sized (45mm x 35mm), color photographs.
Visa fee, which is non refundable.
Evidence that your sponsor (e.g., the relative you are applying to join) is settled in the UK, in the form of an attested copy of their passport or registration certificate.
Recent statements or letters from your sponsors UK employer, bank, local authority or building society on the support and accommodation that will be available for you in the UK
Your original birth certificate
Evidence of financial support from the UK, such as payments from your sponsor or a house provided by your sponsor.
For more and most recent information visit family member visa.

Adopted Children Visa (INF 7)

Is not leading an independent life, is not married and has not formed an independent family unit
Is under 18 years.
Was adopted when both parents lived together abroad or when either parent was settled in the United Kingdom.
Has the same rights as any other child of the adoptive parents
Was adopted because their original parents could not care for them and there has been a genuine transfer of parental responsibility.
Has broken all ties with their original family.
Was not adopted just to make it easier to enter the United Kingdom.

Required Documents:
Your valid passport or travel document.
Fully filled (VAF 7) application form, two recent passport-sized (45mm x 35mm), color photographs
Visa fee, which is non refundable.
The child’s original birth certificate showing its name at birth.
A report from the overseas equivalent of the social services department giving the child’s full history and how the adoption came about., or in the case of a relative adoption a full statement in writing from the adoptive parents.
Where the child has been abandoned, a certificate of abandonment from the authorities previously responsible for the child.
For more and most recent information visit acv

Returning Residents (INF 8)
You were settled in the UK when you last left
You have not been away for more than two years and you are returning for settlement
You did not receive public funds to meet the cost of leaving the UK.

Required Documents:
Your valid passport or travel document
Fully filled (VAF 7) application form, two recent passport-sized (45mm x 35mm), color photographs
Visa fee, which is non refundable
Evidence that you were previously resident in the UK, for example National Insurance or Income Tax records, letters from employers or pay slips.
For more and most recent information visit returning visa
UK Ancestry (INF 9)
Are a Commonwealth citizen
Are aged 17 or over
Have a grandparent who was born in the UK, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man
Have a grandparent who was born in what is now the Republic of Ireland prior to 31 March 1922*
Are able to work and intend to take or seek employment in the UK
Are able to maintain and accommodate yourself and any dependants adequately without recourse to public funds.

Required Documents:
Your valid passport or travel document
Fully filled (VAF1) application form, two recent passport-sized (45mm x 35mm), color photographs
Visa fee, which is non refundable.
Your birth certificate
Your marriage certificate if you are a married woman.
The birth certificates of the parent and grandparent through whose ancestry you are making your application. For more and most recent information visit ancestery visa.
Setting up in Business (INF 10)
You will bring to the UK sufficient funds of your own to establish the business
The business will create at least two new full-time jobs for persons already settled in the UK
Have at least £200,000 under your control, which is disposable in the UK and held in your name (not held by trust or other investment arrangements) with the intention of investing in a business in the UK
Have sufficient additional funds to maintain and accommodate yourself and any dependants adequately without recourse to public funds, or taking employment (other than work for the business) until the business provides income
Intend to be actively involved full-time in trading or providing services on your own account or in partnership, or in the promotion and management of the company as a director.

Required Documents:
Your valid passport or travel document
Fully filled (VAF10) application form, two recent passport-sized (45mm x 35mm), color photographs
Visa fee, which is non refundable.
Any other documents outlined in the preceding paragraphs that relate to the type of business you are seeking entry clearance to undertake in the UK.
For more and most recent information visit setting business visa
Right of Abode (INF 12)
You were a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies and you have UK citizenship because you were born, adopted, naturalised or registered (with some exceptions) in the United Kingdom.
You were a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies and your parent (see note 3 below) was, at the time of your birth or legal adoption, a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies by being born, adopted, naturalised or registered in the United Kingdom.
You were a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies and your parent qualified for the right of abode under 2 above.
You were a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies at any time before 1 January 1983, and had been living in the UK for five continuous years or more without a break. During that period, you met all the terms of the immigration laws and, at the end of that period, you did not have any time limit on your stay.
You were a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies and were then, or had previously been, the wife of a man with the right of abode in the United Kingdom.

Required Documents:
Your valid passport or travel document
Fully filled (VAF 12) application form, two recent passport-sized (45mm x 35mm), color photographs
Visa fee, which is non refundable.
For more and most recent information visit right abode
Permit Free Employment (INF 14)
Minister of religion, missionary or member of a religious order
Sole representative of an overseas firm in the UK
Representatives of overseas newspapers, news agencies and broadcasting organizations
Airport-based operational ground staff of overseas-owned airlines
Postgraduate doctors and dentists (training) including PLAB Tests
Teachers and language assistants coming to the UK under approved exchange schemes
Seasonal workers at agricultural camps
Writers, composers and artists
Overseas government employees
Dependants of the above.

Required Documents:
your valid passport or travel document
Fully filled (VAF 14) application form, two recent passport-sized (45mm x 35mm), color photographs
Visa fee, which is non refundable.
For more and most recent information visit permit free visa
Poit Based Visas Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4 and Tier 5
Please visit for point based visas information and for all other types of visas.

Points-based calculator allows you to calculate how many points you may get, and indicates whether you may be eligible to work or study in the United Kingdom under the points-based system
Countries those required Visa for visiting UK
Burkina Faso
Burma (Myanmar)
Cape Verde
Central African
China, People's Rep. of
Congo, Democratic
   Republic of
Congo, Republic of
Dominican Republic
Equatorial Guinea
Guinea Bissau
Ivory Coast
Korea (Dem. People's
Palestinian Authority
Sao Tome & Principe
Saudi Arabia
Serbia & Montenegro
Sierra Leone
Sri Lanka
'Turkish Republic of
  Northern Cyprus'
United Arab Emirates
Vatican City
   (service & emergency
   passports only)

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