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UK Qualifying Tests


In action a great heart is the chief qualification. In work, a great head.
-- Arthur Schopenhauer

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General Qualifying Tests   

The professionals from out side the UK and EU who are seeking career in UK have to pass some professional qualifying tests in order to meet UK standards, without qualifying these test they cannot register or practice their profession

  The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is an internationally recognized English language assessment of the highest quality and integrity readily available throughout the world.
Most of UK universities asses your english skills through the IELTS scores
For full information about IELTS see their official website
  Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is also a internationally recognized English language assessment test.
The TOEFL test measures English language proficiency in reading, listening and writing and is offered on computer in most regions of the world
For full information about TOEFL see their official website

Professional Tests

  PLAB for Doctors
  PLAB The Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board (PLAB) Test is a UK General Medical Council recognized test to asses international doctors skills and knowledge against UK medical standard. The PLAB test is designed to test your ability to work safely in a first appointment as a senior house officer in a UK hospital in the National Health Service (NHS).
The test is in two parts:
Part 1 is a single paper marked by computer to a standard set by the Angoff method
Part 2 is a 14-station objective structure clinical examination (OSCE) which tests your clinical and communication skills.
For full information about PLAB see their official website
  Pre-Reg Test for Pharmacists
  International pharmacists who want to register with RPSGB (Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain) need to work for 10 to 12 months with one of the UK pharmacists as per the directions of RPSGB after this 12 months work once they qualify their work then they can take Pre Reg test, this test assess skills and knowledge of international Pharmacists,
For full information about UK Pharmacy see their official website
  Statutory Membership Examination for Veterinarian
  Statutory Membership Examination tests skills and knowledge of non EU veterinary professionals
The examination is held in the UK once a year. The written examinations are held on two days normally in May or June at a venue in London. The clinical, oral and practical examinations are normally held in early or mid July at a veterinary school in the UK. The closing date for entry to the examination is 1 March of the year in which you intend to sit the examination
For full information about PLAB see their official website 

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English Idiom of the day

Eighty Six:
A certain item is no longer available.Or this idiom can also mean, to throw away.
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