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Andhra Pradesh


One should respect his motherland, his culture and his mother tongue because they are givers of happiness.
--Rig Veda


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Andhra Pradesh Presentation


Andhra Pradesh

KonaseemaAndhra Pradesh is the third largest state in India situated on the south-eastern coast of India. Andhra Pradesh is called the Rice Bowl of India. Historically the region comprising the state was known as Andhraapatha, Andhradesa, Andhraavani, and Andhra vishaya. Andhra region witnessed the rule of Chandragupta Maurya during which it established itself as an independent kingdom. Andhra Pradesh was formed from Andhra State on November 1, 1956.

The state located in South India, is bounded by Tamil Nadu in the south, Maharashtra in the North and North-West, Madhya Pradesh in the North-East, Karnataka in the West, and the Bay of Bengal in the East. Its capital and largest city is Hyderabad. The State has the second longest coastline (972 km) among all the States in Indial.

Andhra Pradesh(AP) is devided into three regions, namely Coastal Andhra, Rayalaseema and Telangana. Andhra Pradesh has 23 districts. Telugu is the regional and official language of the state. Telugu is the second largest spoken language in India. The other languages spoken here are English, Urdu and Hindi.

The climate of Andhra Pradesh varies considerably, depending on the geographical region. The major role in determining the climate of the state is played by monsoons. Summers last from March to June. In the coastal plain the summer temperatures are generally higher than the rest of the state, with temperature ranging between 20°C and 41°C.

Capital Hyderabad
Area 275,608 km2 (106,413 sq mi)
Population 76,210,007 (5th)
Language Telugu
Symbol Poorna Kumbham
Song Maa Telugu Thalliki
Animal Black Buck
Bird Indian Roller
Tree Neem
Sport Kabaddi
Dance Kuchipudi
Flower Water lily
Telugu person of the day
Sri Sri

Sri Sri
Srirangam Srinivasarao (30 April 1910 - 15 June 1983) was a popular modern Telugu poet and lyricist.

Telugu Resources
A.P Govt (Government of Andrapradesh)
Telugu (Telugu Website)
Lekhini (Telugu Typing)
Koodali(Telugu Blog)


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