Kiran's personal website
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There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs.
-Ansel Adams


Site Info

  My photos

Here you may find some of my personal, friends and my family pictures etc... 

  My programs

Some projects I developed alone and some part of development team and some personal freeware and my articles.

  My skills

My Software knowledge and my skills and years of experience

  Guest book

Please sign guest book add your views about this site

  Contact me

My contact details(for support please see support pages.)

My Links
My Blog
My Skills
My Projects
My Linked In
My Face book
My Twitter


  Kiran 2003 - 2004   [ Some of my singles in 2003-2004. Near Cannery Warf London ]

  Lake District 2009   [ Lake District trip with my brother's family ]

  Paris Disniland 2009   Password   [Protected slideshow]

Personal Albums

photos in albums

My Links
My Blog My web log and articles
My Skills My Software skills
My Projects Projects I worked on
My Freeware My leisure time projects
My Research Research I would like to do
My Linked In My Linked In profile
My Face book My Face book profile
My Twitter Follow me on Twitter

Camera Inventor

Louis Daguerre
Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre (1787-1851) was a French artist and chemist, invented the first camera. The Daguerreotype, a metal plate coated with silver iodide, was exposed to light through a small hole in the camera.

My Favorites

My favorite music
My favorite books
My favorite links
My favorite food
My favorite place

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