Kirn's Typing Tutor
Kiran's Typing Tutor 1.01 is released now, Free download is available now, free
and limited support is available for all the products in, Kiran's
Typing Tutor now includes four typing games and kids typing, for more details
go to products page.
Kiran's SourceReleaser
Kiran's SourceReleaser 1.0 is released. SourceReleaser is a freeware that
helps you with documenting and releasing selected versions of source files
from Visual SourceSafe with minimal or no effort .
User Forums
User forums are available now. Currently three topics Kiran's Typing Tutor, Kiran's
SQL Editor, and Kiran SourceReleaser are avialble. You can post any questions
about kiran's products. Registration is required post your question. Feel free
to upload your questions, for more details go to forums pages.